Products & Services

Noor Kabul Khurasan

Products and Services


KKG is your strategic partner in terms of technical trainings and


Our wireless point to point connection is best for both governmental

Accounting Automation

QuickBooks is one of the most used accounting software package developed


GPS Tracking is one of the most essential needs of this

Video Conferencing

Cisco Meeting Server brings premises-based video, audio, and web communication together


KKG has always strived and researched to find best solutions for

Our Services

Noor Kabul Khurasan

Kabul Khurasan Group offers a range of services to support its mission and vision:

Overall, Kabul Khurasan Group aims to be a one-stop solution provider for all electrical equipment needs in Afghanistan, supporting the country’s infrastructure development and energy security goals.

Electrical Equipment Supply

The company provides high-quality electrical equipment, including Digital meters, LED lights, Magnets, Brakers, and lighting fixtures, sourced from reputable Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers.

Energy Efficiency

The company promotes energy conservation and sustainability by offering energy-efficient electrical products and solutions. This includes LED lighting systems, digital meters, and energy management systems to help clients reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Electrical Solutions

Kabul Khurasan Group offers comprehensive electrical solutions for various industries and sectors, including commercial buildings, residential complexes, industrial facilities, and infrastructure projects. This includes designing, installing, and maintaining electrical systems to ensure efficient and reliable power distribution.

Technical Support

Kabul Khurasan Group provides technical support and maintenance services to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of electrical equipment. This includes regular inspections, repairs, and replacements as needed.

Training and Skill Development

The company is committed to fostering local talent and creating employment opportunities. Kabul Khurasan Group offers training programs and skill development initiatives to enhance the technical expertise of its employees and contribute to the professional growth of the local workforce.